1. opposite: Aksi istikamette yol açıktı. There was no traffic in the opposite lane. 2. peevish, irritable; perverse, contrary. 3. inopportune, untimely. 4. adverse, negative. 5. unfortunate (circumstance, situation). -- aksi irritably. -- delil counterproof. -- gibi colloq. Wouldn´t you know it? As if to spite me, ...: Aksi gibi cebimde beş para kalmamıştı. But it was just my luck that I didn´t have so much as a penny on me. -- gitmek (for things) to go wrong. -- halde if not; otherwise. --ni iddia etmek to assert the contrary. --ni söylemek to say the opposite. -- şeytan! colloq. Damn! -- takdirde otherwise. -- tesadüf 1. As bad luck would have it, .... 2. unfortunate coincidence. -- tesir undesired reaction, opposite effect.