bayram Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • bayram
    religious festival, Bairam; national holiday; festival, festivity. -- arifesi the eve of a Bairam. -- ayı the month of Shawwal (of the Muslim calendar). --dan bayrama rarely, once in a blue moon, on occasion. Bayram değil, seyran değil, eniştem beni niye öptü? colloq. There must be something behind this. -- ertesi right after the Bairam, in the days just after the Bairam. -- etmek/yapmak 1. to feast, celebrate a holiday. 2. to be overjoyed. -- günü 1. a Bairam day. 2. on a Bairam day. -- haftasını mangal tahtası anlamak to misunderstand completely. -- havası a holiday spirit. -- koçu gibi gaudy, showy; overdressed. --ınız kutlu/ mübarek olsun! Have a happy Bairam! -- namazı morning service on the first day of a Bairam. --da seyranda only occasionally. -- şekeri candy offered to visitors on Bairam days. -- tebriki congratulations for a Bairam; greeting card. -- topu gun fired on Bairam days. -- üstü just before a Bairam.