baş Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • baş
    1. head. 2. leader, chief, head. 3. beginning. 4. basis. 5. top, summit, crest. 6. end, either of two ends. 7. naut. bow. 8. clove (of garlic); cyme; (plant) bulb. 9. head (of a pin). 10. wrestling first class. 11. agio, exchange premium. 12. head: elli baş sığır fifty steers, fifty head of cattle. 13. main, head, chief, top. 14. in many idioms self, oneself. 15. side, near vicinity, presence: sofra başında at the table. ocak başında near the hearth. --ına for each, per, each: saat başına elli bin lira fifty thousand liras an hour. --ında 1. at, near, around: masa başında at the desk, around the table. 2. on his hands: Başında üç çocuk var. He has three children on his hands. He has to support three children. 3. at every: saat başında at the start of every hour. --ından 1. from its beginning: başından sonuna kadar from beginning to end. 2. away from: Başımdan git! Go away!/Get out!/Leave me alone! --ta first of all, most of all. --ı açık bareheaded. --ı açılmak to go bald. --ını açmak 1. to uncover one´s head (as a gesture initiating prayer or imprecation). 2. /ın/ to open up (a subject of talk), give an inkling (of). -- ağrısı 1. headache. 2. trouble, nuisance. -- ağrısı olmak /a/ to be a nuisance (to), cause worry (to). --ını ağrıtmak /ın/ to give a headache (to); to annoy (someone) by talking a lot. --ını alamamak /dan/ 1. to be too busy (with). 2. not to be able to escape (from some trouble). -- alıp baş vermek to wage a bitter fight. --ını alıp gitmek to go away, leave. --ının altında under one´s pillow. --ının altından çıkmak /ın/ (for a plot) to be hatched out in (someone´s) head; to be caused (by). --ı araya gitmek to be caught between disagreeing people. -- aşağı upside down, head down. --tan aşağı from top to bottom, from head to foot, from end to end, throughout. -- aşağı gitmek to get worse. --ından aşağı kaynar sular dökülmek to have a terrible shock, meet with sudden excitement. (işi) --ından aşkın overburdened (by work). --ında ateş yanmak to be upset, be troubled, be distressed. --ından atmak /ı/ to get rid (of). --tan ayağa kadar colloq. from head to foot, altogether. -- ayak, ayak baş oldu. colloq. The high and the low have changed places. --ı bacadan aşmadı ya. colloq. She is still young enough to find a husband. -- bağı 1. head band, fillet. 2. naut. bow fast, head fast. -- bağlamak 1. to cover or tie up one´s head (with a scarf). 2. (for grain) to form heads. 3. to take up a duty. --ını bağlamak /ın/ to marry (one) to another. --ı bağlı 1. fastened by the head; attached. 2. married. -- başa tête-à-tête, face to face. --tan başa from end to end, entirely. -- başa kalmak /la/ to stay alone (with). -- başa vermek 1. to put our/your/their heads together, consult with each other. 2. to work together, help each other, collaborate. --ında beklemek/durmak /ın/ to stand watch over, watch carefully. -- belası nuisance, troublesome person or thing. --ına bela getirmek/sarmak /ın/ to saddle (someone, oneself) with a big problem. --ı belaya girmek to get into trouble. --ı belada olmak to be in trouble. --ını belaya sokmak/uğratmak /ın/ to get (someone, oneself) into trouble. --ımla beraber with great pleasure, gladly. -- bezi head scarf. -- bilmez unbroken (horse). --ına bir hal gelmek to suffer a serious misfortune. --ını bir yere bağlamak /ın/ to find (a person) a good job and save him from idleness. --ına bitmek /ın/ suddenly to appear, suddenly to show up (said of a pestiferous person). --ını boş bırakmak /ın/ 1. to leave alone, leave untended. 2. to leave without supervision. -- boy best quality. -- bulmak to pay, leave a profit. --ta/--ında bulunmak /ın/ to be in charge. --ına buyruk independent. --ı bütün married (person). --ından büyük işlere girişmek/karışmak to undertake things that are beyond one´s powers, bite off more than one can chew. --ına çal! colloq. /ı/ Here it is. May it do you no good. --ının çaresine bakmak to take care of one´s own affairs oneself, not to leave things to others. --ı çatlamak to have a splitting headache. --ını çatmak to bind a cloth around one´s head and across one´s temples to relieve a headache. -- çekmek /a/ to head (a movement, a dance). --ını çelmek /ın/ naut. to divert (a ship) from her course. -- çevirmek /dan/ to turn away (from). --ına çıkarmak /ı/ to spoil (someone). --tan çıkarmak /ı/ to lead astray, corrupt, seduce. --a çıkmak /la/ 1. to succeed (in), accomplish. 2. to cope (with), handle, master, control. --ına çıkmak /ın/ to plague, become a nuisance (to). --tan çıkmak to get out of control, be led astray, be corrupted. --ına çorap örmek /ın/ to plot against (someone), get (someone) into trouble. --ı darda in trouble, in need, hard up. --ı dara düşmek to get into trouble, find oneself in a difficult situation. --ında değirmen çevirmek /ın/ to harass, torment. -- denizi naut. head-on sea, waves from ahead. --ına dert açmak/çıkarmak /ın/ to saddle (someone, oneself) with a problem. --ının derdine düşmek to have enough trouble of one´s own. --ını derde sokmak/uğratmak /ın/ to get (someone, oneself) into trouble. --ına dert etmek /ı/ to let (something, someone) worry (one), lose sleep over (something, someone). --ına devlet kuşu konmak to have a stroke of luck. --ını dik tutmak to hold one´s head high. --ının dikine gitmek to insist on doing it one´s own way, refuse all advice. --ına dikmek /ı, ın/ to assign (a person) to protect (someone, something). --ı dinç without trouble, at ease, peaceful. --ını dinlemek to rest. --ına dolamak /ı, ın/ to burden or saddle (someone) with (something or someone unpleasant). -- döndürücü 1. astounding, amazing. 2. stupefying. --ı dönmek to feel dizzy. -- dönmesi dizziness, giddiness, vertigo. --ını dövmek to pound one´s head in despair. --ı dumanlı 1. dazed; drunk. 2. crazed with love. -- edememek /la/ not to be able to cope (with). -- eğmek 1. to bow one´s head, incline one´s head forward (as a sign of respect). 2. /a/ to submit (to), yield (to). --ına/--ında ekşimek /ın/ to be a burden (to), be a permanent and unwelcome nuisance. -- eldeyken while still living. --ının etini yemek /ın/ to nag (at), bother with insistent demands. --ını ezmek /ın/ to crush. --ına geçirmek /ı, ın/ 1. to put on (a hat, a head covering). 2. to crown (someone) with (something); to pull (a place) down on (someone´s) head (said in anger). --a geçmek to take control, take charge; to come to power. --ına geçmek /ın/ 1. to become the head of (an organization). 2. to go up to (a machine, an instrument) (with an intent to use it). 3. to go to the front of (a line, a row, etc.). --ından geçmek /ın/ to happen (to). --a gelen çekilir. proverb One has to take what comes. --ına gelen pişmiş tavuğun başına gelmedi. /ın/ colloq. Incredible things have happened to him/her/it. -- gelmek /a/ to win, overcome. --a/ --ına gelmek /ın/ (for something unpleasant) to happen (to). --ta gelmek to be first (in importance, excellence). --a gelmeyince bilinmez. proverb A person does not really understand something until he has experienced it. --ta gitmek to be the first, be the foremost; to be in the lead. --ı göğe değmek/ermek to be overjoyed; to find happiness. -- göstermek (for something bad) to appear, crop up, or break out. -- göz etmek /ı/ to marry (two people) to each other. -- göz olmak to marry. --ının gözünün sadakası alms or some other sacrifice made in the hope that it will keep some possible catastrophe from befalling one. --ını gözünü yarmak /ın/ 1. to give (someone) a bad beating, beat the tar out of. 2. to do (something) very ineptly. 3. to murder, butcher (a passage) (owing to faulty diction or mispronunciation). --a güreşmek to try for first place, try to win first place; to aim for the top. --ına hasır yakmak to complain, be in despair. --ı havada colloq. snooty, snobbish. --ı havalanmak /ın/ to be distracted by love affairs. --ı hoş olmak /la/ to like, be fond (of). --ı için /ın/ for the sake of (used in imploring). --tan inme very sudden, right out of the blue. --ını istemek /ın/ to demand that (someone) be killed. --ına iş açmak/getirmek /ın/ to cause trouble (to). --ına iş çıkarmak /ın/ to make work or difficulties (for). --ı kabak completely bald, baldheaded. --ına kakmak /ı, ın/ to remind (someone) reproachfully (of a kindness done to him), rub in (a favor done to someone). --ı kalabalık surrounded by other people who want to talk to him. -- kaldırmak /a/ to rebel (against). -- kaldırmamak /dan/ not to take a break from, not to stop (doing something). --ını kaldırmamak/kaldıramamak 1. /dan/ not to take a break from, not to stop (doing something). 2. (for a patient) to be unable to get out of bed, be quite ill. --tan kalma left over from someone else. --tan kara etmek 1. naut. to go aground at the bow. 2. to fail completely, come a cropper. --tan kara gitmek to head for disaster, be on a collision course. --ına karalar bağlamak to grieve. -- kasarası naut. forecastle. --ını kaşımaya eli değmemek/vakti olmamak to be swamped with work. --ında kavak yelleri esmek /ın/ to be daydreaming. --ı kazan gibi olmak to have one´s head throb due to noise and confusion. --ım kel mi benim? colloq.What is wrong with me?/Why am I left out? -- kesmek to nod in greeting. --ını kesmek /ın/ to behead. -- kıç vurmak naut. to pitch. --tan kıça haber yok. colloq. No one knows what the rest are doing. --ına kına yakmak to dye one´s hair with henna. -- kırmak to bow. --ı kızmak to get furious. --ını koltuğunun altına almak to do something at the risk of one´s life. -- komak/koymak 1. /a/ to be prepared to risk one´s life (for a cause). 2. to acquiesce, assent. --ından korkmak to fear for one´s life. -- koşmak /a/ to do (something) wholeheartedly, enter heart and soul (into an enterprise). -- köşe seat of honor. --ını kurtarmak to save one´s life. --ı nâra yanmak to get into trouble because one has tried to help someone else. --ından nikâh geçmek to have been married. --ını okutmak /ın/ to have a prayer recited over (a sick person). -- ol da, istersen eşek/soğan başı ol. proverb Be in charge of something, however humble. -- omuzluğu naut. bow. --ını ortaya koymak to challenge death, risk one´s life. --ıyla oynamak to play with one´s life, invite danger. --ı önünde with downcast eyes, modestly reserved. --ına patlamak /ın/ 1. (for an undesirable thing) to befall (one). 2. (for work) to fall to one´s lot. --ı pek 1. obstinate, hardheaded. 2. stupid, unintelligent. --ınız sağ olsun. May your life be spared (formula of condolence). -- sallamak /a/ to nod in agreement. --ına sarmak /ı, ın/ to burden, saddle (someone) with (something). --tan savma 1. (doing something) perfunctorily or cursorily. 2. perfunctory; cursory. --ından savmak /ı/ to get rid of (someone) with empty promises, put off. --ı sıkılmak to be in distress; to be in trouble; to be hard up. --ı sıkışmak to have more work than one can handle. --ı sıkıya gelmek to be in trouble. --ına soğuk geçmek to act stupidly. --ını sokacak yer a place to lay one´s head. -- tacı 1. crown. 2. a greatly respected and loved person. -- tacı etmek/--ına taç etmek /ı/ to treat (someone) with great respect or affection. --ı taşa değmek to realize the hardships of life. --ını taştan taşa vurmak to knock one´s head against the wall in repentance. --ını taşa vurmak to repent greatly. --ta taşımak /ı/ to show respect (to). --ına teller takınmak to be overjoyed. --tan tırnağa from tip to toe. --ına tokmak olmak /ın/ to keep (someone) under restraint. --ını toplamak (for a woman) to gather up her hair neatly. --ında torbası eksik! colloq. What an ass! -- tutmak naut. to steer her course. --ı tutmak to have a headache. -- tutmamak naut. not to respond to the wheel. -- tüyü 1. crest feather. 2. plume. -- üstü naut. forecastle deck. --ı üstünde taşımak/tutmak /ı/ to respect greatly, hold very precious. --ı üstünde yeri olmak /ın/ to be highly venerated or loved (by). -- üstüne! With pleasure! --ını ütülemek /ın/ slang 1. to tell (someone) off. 2. to nag, pick on. -- vermek 1. (for grain) to come into ear. 2. to appear, come out. 3. /a/ to give one´s life (for). 4. /a/ to give (a horse) his head. 5. fin. to allow a premium on a bond. -- vurağı 1. recourse; reference. 2. competent authority; department or office concerned. -- vurmak 1. /a/ to have recourse to, turn to; to resort to. 2. /a/ to apply to; to submit an application to. 3. /a/ (for a horned animal) to butt its head against, butt. 4. (for a fish) to strike the bait, snatch at the bait. --ına vurmak 1. /ın/ to hit (someone) on his head. 2. (for drink) to go to one´s head; (for fumes) to produce giddiness. --ına vur, ağzından lokmasını al. colloq. He is so good-natured that anybody can walk all over him. --ını yakmak /ın/ to get (someone) into trouble. -- yastığı pillow. --ı yastık yüzü görmemek not to have a moment´s rest. -- yazısı fate, destiny. --ında yazılı olmak to be destined. -- yemek main dish, main course. --ını yemek /ın/ to be the cause of (someone´s) death or suffering. --ı yerine gelmek /ın/ to recover one´s senses; to get rested. --ına yıkmak /ı, ın/ to saddle (someone) with, burden (someone) with, leave (someone) to do (something). -- yukarı upstream. --ı yukarıda proud, conceited. --ına yular geçirmek /ın/ to get complete control of (someone). --ı zaptolunmamak (for a horse) to be out of hand, run away. --ına zindan etmek /ı, ın/ to make (a place) feel like a prison to (someone).