bilmek Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • bilmek
    ,-ir 1. /ı/ to know; to be informed of, be aware of; to understand. 2. /ı/ to know, recognize. 3. /ı/ to regard (someone) as: Onu düşman bildik. We regarded him as an enemy. 4. /ı/ to hold (someone) to be the accountable party: Senden başkasını bilmem. You´re the only one I hold accountable. 5. /ı, dan/ to suspect that (someone) did (something), think that (someone) is responsible for (something): Her şeyi benden biliyorlar. They suspect me of everything. bilemedin/bilemediniz at most. bilerek knowingly, on purpose. bilmeden not knowing, unintentionally. Bilmemek ayıp değil, sormamak/öğrenmemek ayıp. proverb It´s not a shame not to know; what is bad is not asking. bile bile knowingly; on purpose. bile bile lades with full knowledge of the disadvantageous consequences. bildim bileli for a long time now. bilir bilmez half-knowing, with insufficient knowledge. bilmezlikten gelmek to pretend ignorance. bildiğinden kalmamak/bildiğini okumak to insist on having one´s own way. bildiğinden şaşmamak not to be deflected from one´s plan, not to listen to others. bildiğini yapmak to (ignore advice and) do it one´s own way. Bildiğini yedi mahalle bilmez. colloq. He is very shrewd. bilmem hangi something or other. bilmem nasıl somehow or other. Bilmiş ol! colloq. Take note!/Hear this!