bir Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • bir
    1. one (as a number): Bir beyaz manolya yedi pembe manolyaya bedeldir. One white magnolia is worth seven pink magnolias. 2. a, an; a certain, a particular: Bursa´da güzel bir evi var. She has a lovely house in Bursa. Dünkü partide bir kadını gördüm; kim olduğunu sen anlarsın. At yesterday´s party I saw a certain woman; you know who I mean. 3. the same: Emellerimiz bir. Our goals are the same. 4. united; of one mind, of the same opinion: Bu konuda biriz. We´re of one mind on this subject. 5. shared, used in common: Yatak odalarımız ayrı, banyomuz bir. We have separate bedrooms but share a bathroom. 6. only: Bir o bunu yapabilir. Only she can do this. Bunu bir sen bir de ben biliyoruz. You and I are the only ones who know this. 7. used as an emphatic: O hayata bir alıştı ki sorma gitsin! He has really gotten accustomed to that way of life! Bir dene! Just try it! Birdenbire bir feryat! And suddenly there was such a yell! Ah, bir oraya gidebilsem! Ah, if I can just go there! 8. used to add a note of vagueness: Bir zamanlar Arnavutköy´de çilek yetiştirilirdi. There was a time when strawberries were grown in Arnavutköy. Sen bugün bir tuhafsın. You don´t seem quite yourself today. -- ağızdan in unison, with one voice. -- alan pişman, bir almayan. colloq. It´s the sort of thing that looks good and attracts a lot of interest but is actually of very little use. -- alay a great quantity, a large number. -- âlem something else, really something, a wonder, amazing: Orası bir âlem! That´s one amazing place! Cüneyt başlı başına bir âlem! Cüneyt is a wonder in his own right! -- an at one point: Bir an bir şey söyleyecek gibi oldu. At one point she looked like she was going to say something. -- an evvel/önce as soon as possible. -- ara/aralık 1. at one point, for a while, for a short period. 2. when one has a free moment, when one has a chance: Bir ara bana uğrayıver. Drop by when you have a free moment. -- araba 1. a wagonload of; a truckload of. 2. colloq. a lot of, a slew of. -- arada together. -- araya gelmek 1. (for people) to come together (in the same place and at the same time). 2. (for events) to happen at the same time, coincide. -- araya getirmek /ı/ to bring (people, things) together (in the same place and at the same time). -- aşağı bir yukarı (to come and go) aimlessly. -- atımlık barutu kalmak/olmak to be almost at the end of one´s resources, be almost at the end of one´s rope; to have played almost all of one´s cards; to have very little energy left. -- avuç 1. a handful (of). 2. a handful (of), a very small number or amount (of). -- ayağı çukurda olmak to have one foot in the grave. -- ayak evvel/önce immediately, at once. -- ayak üstünde bin yalan söylemek 1. to tell a whole pack of lies at one go. 2. to be a big liar. -- bakıma in one way, in one respect. -- baltaya sap olmak to have a job, be employed. -- bardak suda fırtına koparmak to raise a tempest in a teapot. -- başına all alone, all by oneself. -- baştan/uçtan bir başa/uca (traversing, looking at, surveying, filling a place) from one end to the other, from end to end. -- ben, bir de Allah bilir. colloq. Only God knows what I´ve gone through. --e beş vermek to yield five times the seed, yield fivefold. --e bin katmak to exaggerate, make much of a trifle. -- bir one by one. -- boy 1. once. 2. used as an emphatic: Bir boy gidelim, görelim. Let´s just go and see! -- boyda of the same height. -- bu eksikti. colloq. Nothing but this was lacking!/This was all that was needed! (said sarcastically). -- cihetten in one way, in a way. -- çatı altında under the same roof, in the same building. -- çırpıda at one stretch, without interruption, at once. -- çift söz 1. a little advice, a piece of advice: Sana bir çift sözüm var. I have a piece of advice for you. 2. a brief exchange of conversation: Öyle meşguldüm ki kendisiyle bir çift söz bile edemedim. I was so busy that I couldn´t have even a brief conversation with her. -- çuval inciri berbat etmek to foul things up but good; to put one´s foot in it. -- daha once more, again: Bunu bir daha yapalım. Let´s do this once more. Bir daha oraya asla gitmem. I won´t ever go there again. -- daha yüzüne bakmamak /ın/ not to have anything to do with (someone) anymore, never to speak to (someone) again. -- dalda durmamak to be fickle, change constantly. -- damla 1. very little. 2. very small (child). -- de 1. as well as, and also, and: Macit, Sacit, bir de Hami takıma alındı. Macit and Sacit and also Hami have made the team. 2. in addition, moreover, also, as well, furthermore, besides that: Bir de özür dilemelisin. You also ought to apologize. Bir de tıraş olmamışsın! Moreover you haven´t shaved! -- de ne göreyim? And what did I see?/And what should I see? (used to express one´s surprise): Bir de ne göreyim? Karım kasadan para alıp bir torbaya koyuyordu! And what did I see? My wife was taking money from the safe and putting it into a bag! -- dediği bir dediğini tutmamak to contradict oneself. -- dediğini iki etmemek/ın/ to do everything (another person) asks for, fulfill every wish (of). -- defa 1. once, one time: Onu ancak bir defa gördüm. I only saw her once. 2. for one thing: Onu alma; bir defa çirkin, ayrıca pahalı. Don´t buy it. For one thing it´s ugly; for another it´s expensive. 3. used to emphasize a sentence which follows: Bir defa kendisiyle görüş, sonra konuşalım. Just see him and then we´ll talk. 4. used at the conclusion of a sentence which describes a fait accompli: Bunu bozduk bir defa, artık iflah olmaz. We´ve broken this and it´s now beyond repair. -- defada at one go, at one whack, in one go, in one whack. -- defalık 1. enough (of something) for one use: Sadece bir defalık kahvemiz kaldı. We´ve only enough coffee for one brewing. 2. (something) which can be used only once: Bu izin bir defalık. You can only take this leave once. -- derece to a certain degree. -- dereceli seçim direct election. -- deri bir kemik very thin, just skin and bones. -- dikili ağacı olmamak not to own land or a house. -- dikişte içmek /ı/ to drink in one draft. -- dirhem a very little; a thimbleful of; a smidgen of. -- dirhem bal için bir çeki keçiboynuzu çiğnemek to work hard and get little. -- dirhem et bin ayıp örter. proverb A little fat improves a person´s looks. -- dokun bin ah işit/dinle kâse-i fağfurdan. Sometimes it only takes one word to get somebody to start pouring out his/her troubles. -- dolu a lot of. -- don bir gömlek 1. half-naked, in a half-naked state. 2. (left) with practically nothing but the shirt on one´s back. -- dostluk kaldı! I have just enough left for one last customer (salesman´s spiel). -- dudağı yerde, bir dudağı gökte terrifyingly ugly. -- düşünce almak /ı/ to get worried. -- düziye continuously, incessantly. -- el one shot (of gunfire). -- elini bırakıp ötekini öpmek /ın/ to make an excessive show of respect to; to lay it on thick. -- elden idare edilmek to be under one administration. -- elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var. proverb It takes more than one person. -- elin sesi çıkmaz. proverb It takes more than one person. -- elle verdiğini öbür elle almak to give something with one hand and take it back with the other. -- eli yağda, bir eli balda olmak 1. to want for nothing, be living in clover, be materially well -off. 2. to have very good resources at one´s disposal. -- elmanın yarısı o, yarısı bu. colloq. They are as like as two peas in a pod. --i eşikte, biri beşikte. They´re still quite small (said of someone´s children). -- fincan kahvenin kırk yıl hatırı vardır. proverb One should remember even small kindnesses. -- gelmek to come out even. -- getirmek /ı/ to bring out even. -- gömlek aşağı olmak /dan/ not to be far behind, be only a little behind (someone) (in something). -- gömlek üstün olmak /dan/ not to be far ahead of, be only a little ahead of (someone) (in something). -- görmek /ı/ to regard as equal, not to discriminate. -- gün one day; some day. -- güzel thoroughly: Kendisini bir güzel dövdüm. I gave him a good beating. -- hal olmak 1. to be fed up to the back teeth. 2. /a/ to begin to behave strangely, start to act funny: Ona bir hal oldu. He´s started acting funny. 3. /a/ for something to happen to (someone), die: Bana bir hal olursa hayvanlarıma bakar mısın? If something happens to me, will you look after my animals? -- hayli very; a lot. -- hoş olmak 1. to act strange, not to be oneself. 2. to be dumbfounded. -- içim su a very pretty woman, a beauty, a knockout. -- iki one or two, very few. -- iki derken then all of a sudden; suddenly. -- kafada of the same opinion. -- kalemde in one go. -- kapıya çıkmak to come to the same thing. -- kararda/bir karar üzerine unvaryingly, in the same state. -- karış very short; very few. -- kaşık suda boğmak /ı/ to be ready to kill on the slightest pretext. -- kat daha twice as much; still more. -- kazanda kaynamak to get along well. -- kere see bir defa. -- kerecik just once. -- kez once, one time. -- kıyamettir gitti. colloq. There was a terrific uproar. -- koltuğa iki karpuz sığmaz. proverb You can´t do two things at once. -- koşu at one stretch, quickly. -- köroğlu, bir ayvaz just husband and wife living together. -- köşeye atmak /ı/ to save (something) for a rainy day. -- kulağından girip öbüründen çıkmak to go in one ear and out the other. -- lokma, bir hırka 1. very little (in the way of worldly goods): Bir lokma, bir hırkaya razıyım. I´m content with very little. 2. (living) on very little: Bir lokma, bir hırka geçinip gidiyoruz. We get by on very little. -- miktar a little, some. -- misli artmak to double. -- nebze a little bit. -- nefeste all at one time, without stopping. -- nefeslik canı kalmış. colloq. He looks wretched./He is worn out. -- nice a good many. -- numaralı number-one; most important, foremost; best, ace. -- o kadar the same amount. -- olmak to join forces, unite. -- o yana, bir bu yana first one way and then another. -- örnek 1. alike, the same. 2. alike, in the same way. -- paralık etmek /ı/ to disgrace. -- parça 1. a little, a bit; a moment. 2. one piece of (something). -- pul etmemek to be worthless. -- sıçrarsın , iki sıçrarsın , üçüncüde ele geçersin çekirge. proverb You can´t always trust to luck. -- sıkımlık canı olmak to be very frail. -- solukta 1. at one go, in one go; in one bound, at a bound. 2. very quickly, very fast. -- su yıkamak /ı/ to give (clothes, etc.) one washing. -- sürü a whole lot of, a great many. -- şey something. -- şeye benzememek (for something) not to amount to very much, not to be good. -- şey değil. Don´t mention it./You´re welcome. -- şey olmak /a/ for something to happen to (someone), die. -- şeyler olmak /a/ 1. to begin to act differently, begin to change one´s tune. 2. to feel faint, feel as if one is going to faint. 3. to feel funny, not to feel quite right. -- şey sanmak /ı/ to think highly of, regard (someone, something) with respect (only to be disappointed later). -- şeye yaramaz good for nothing. -- tahtası eksik colloq. (someone) whose mind is not quite right, who has a screw loose, who´s not all there. -- tane 1. greatly cherished friend, bosom friend, best friend. 2. greatly cherished animal or thing. -- tanem my love, my beloved (used as a term of endearment.) -- tarafa bırakmak/koymak /ı/ to leave (a topic) (for the time being). -- taşla iki kuş vurmak to kill two birds with one stone. -- tek 1. only: Fatma, Ayşe´nin bir tek kızı. Fatma is Ayşe´s only daughter. 2. only one: Bir tek kopyam kaldı. I´ve only one copy left. -- tek atmak colloq. to have a shot of (an alcoholic drink); to have a shot apiece (of an alcoholic drink): Buranın rakısı güzel; bir tek atalım. This place has good raki; let´s have a shot apiece. -- temiz colloq. thoroughly, good and proper. -- torba kemik colloq. (a) bag of bones. -- tuhaf strange, funny, not right: Sen bugün bir tuhafsın. You´re not yourself today. Bu çalının yaprakları bir tuhaf. There´s something wrong with this bush´s leaves. -- tutmak/saymak /ı/ to regard (people, animals) as equal, not to discriminate between (people, animals). -- türlü 1. somehow, in one way or another. 2. (with a negative verb) not at all, definitely not. 3. (after a conditional clause) just as bad: Gitsem bir türlü, gitmesem bir türlü. It´s bad whether I go or not. -- vakit/vakitler at one time. -- varmış, bir yokmuş .... (at the beginning of a fairy tale) Once upon a time .... -- varmış, bir yokmuş. 1. “Life´s but a walking shadow.” (Shakespeare) (said of someone whose death was unexpected). 2. Nothing´s permanent in this world (said when something has been irretrievably lost or destroyed). -- yana apart from, other than: Münif Paşa bir yana, kimse bu ayvayı benim kadar takdir edemez. No one apart from Münif Pasha can appreciate this quince as much as I do. -- yana bırakmak /ı/ to leave (a topic of conversation). -- yandan/yanda ... bir yandan/yanda on the one hand ... and on the other hand ...; both ... and ...: Bir yandan hekim olmaktan bahsediyorsun, bir yandan ressam olmak istediğini söylüyorsun. On the one hand you´re talking about being a doctor; on the other you´re saying you want to be a painter. -- yandan/yanda da also, at the same time: Mektup yazarken bir yandan da müzik dinliyordu. While writing letters she was also listening to music. -- yana dünya bir yana I wouldn´t part with or trade (him/her/it) for the world: O yenidünya bir yana, dünya bir yana. I wouldn´t trade that loquat for the world. -- yastığa baş koymak to be husband and wife. -- yastıkta kocamak (for husband and wife) to have a long life together. -- yaşıma daha girdim. colloq. I am very much surprised; we live and learn. -- yere getirmek /ı/ to gather (people, things) together in one place. -- yığın a great many, a whole heap of. -- yiyip bin şükretmek to be very thankful. -- yol see bir defa. -- yolunu bulmak /ın/ to find a way to do (something). -- yola çıkmak to come to the same thing. -- yol tutturmak to pursue one´s course of life. -- zaman/zamanlar at one time.