boş Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • boş
    1. empty. 2. useless. 3. unemployed; free. 4. ignorant. 5. slack, not under tension (rope). 6. uncultivated (land). 7. uninhabited. --ta unemployed. -- almak naut. to take up the slack, make a hawser taut. --a almak /ı/ 1. to prop up (a building) temporarily for repairs. 2. mech. to uncouple, release. --unu almak /ın/ to tauten (a hawser), take up the slack (in a hawser). -- atıp dolu tutmak/vurmak to make a lucky hit, guess the truth by chance. -- bırakmamak /ı/ 1. to help out (a person in need). 2. not to desert (someone). --u boşuna uselessly. -- bulunmak to be taken unawares. --a çalışmak/işlemek (for a machine) to run on no load, run light. -- çıkmak lottery to draw a blank. --a çıkmak to turn out to be nothing. -- çıkmamak /dan/ to make a little something out of (a deal). -- dönmek to come back emptyhanded. -- durmak to be without work, be unemployed. -- düşmek /dan/ to be considered as divorced (from her husband). -- gezenin boş kalfası loafer. -- gezmek to be unemployed. --ta gezmek to live without working. --a gitmek 1. to be wasted. 2. to be of no use. -- inan superstition. -- kafalı silly, dimwitted. --ta kalmak to be without work. -- koymak /ı/ to deprive (someone) of something desirable. --a koysan dolmaz, doluya koysan almaz. colloq. However I try to do it, it still does not work. -- laf karın doyurmaz. proverb Empty words do not fill one´s stomach. boş ol!/-- olsun! I divorce you! (formerly said by the husband to his wife). -- olmamak not to be without reason, to have a justifying cause. -- oturmak 1. to be without a job, be unemployed. 2. not to have work to do, be without work. -- söz nonsensical words, hot air. -- vakit 1. spare time. 2. leisure. -- ver! Forget it!/Never mind! -- vermek 1. /a/ not to bother (about), to take no notice (of). 2. naut. to loosen a hawser. -- yere 1. in vain. 2. without grounds, without a reason. -- yerine vurmak /ın/ to hit (someone) on his side.