bu Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • bu
    ,-nu this. --na to this. --ndan from this. --nlar these. --nun of this. -- anda at present. -- arada 1. meanwhile. 2. among other things. -- bakımdan in this respect; from this point of view. --ndan başka besides; moreover. --na binaen so, hence, for this reason. --nda bir iş var. colloq. There is more to this than meets the eye. --nunla birlikte/beraber nevertheless, however, yet. --ndan böyle from now on, henceforth. --nun burası colloq. here, this spot. -- cihetle/cihetten in this respect; from this point of view. -- cümleden as an instance of this. -- da geçer yahu. This too will pass; nothing is permanent. -- defa this time; and now. --na değdi idi, buna değmedi idi diyerek But on second thought I decided that some of them might do. --ndan dolayı/ötürü for this reason, because of this, therefore. -- fakir this poor man, your humble servant. --na gelince as for this. -- gibi such, of this kind, like this. -- gözle from this point of view. -- günlerde/yakınlarda 1. recently. 2. in the near future. --nun için because of this, for this reason, therefore. -- işte bir hikmet var. There must be a vital reason for it. -- itibarla so, therefore, consequently. --ndan iyisi can sağlığı. colloq. This is the best; nothing could surpass it. -- kabilden of this sort. -- kadar 1. this much. 2. (after a number) and a little more. -- merkezde 1. in this sense, to this effect. 2. more or less like this. --na mukabil on the other hand. -- münasebetle in this connection. -- ne perhiz, bu ne lahana turşusu! colloq. What a contrast!/How inconsistent! -- sevdadan vazgeç. colloq. You´d better give it up. -- sıcağa kar mı dayanır? colloq. What could you expect in this mess? --ndan sonra 1. after this. 2. henceforth, from now on. -- takdirde so, therefore, in this case. --nun üzerine then, so. (...dan) -- yana since. -- yüzden for this reason, because of this, therefore.