bırakmak Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • bırakmak
    1. /ı, da/ to leave (something, someone) (in) (a place); /ı, a/ to leave (someone, something) with (someone), leave (someone, something) in the care of (someone). 2. /ı, a/ to leave, put (something, someone) on or in (a place). 3. /ı/ to let go of, stop holding: Beni bırak! Let go of me! 4. /ı/ to leave, abandon, desert. 5. /ı/ to quit (a job). 6. to stop, desist; /ı/ to stop doing, quit doing (something): Bırak Allah aşkına! Stop it for God´s sake! 7. /ı, a/ to leave (something) until (a future date), put (something) off until (a future date). 8. /ı, a/ to entrust (a job) to (someone); to hand over, turn over, relinquish (a job, a responsibility) to (someone). 9. /ı/ to leave (someone, something) alone, let (someone, something) be, leave (someone) in peace. 10. /ı, a/ to let (one´s hair) hang down to (a specified level). 11. /ı/ to grow (a beard, a mustache). 12. /a, ı/ to let (someone) have the use of (something), let (someone) have (something), let (someone) borrow (something). 13. /ı, a/ to leave (something) to (someone), let (someone) have (something); to bequeath (something) to (someone). 14. /a, ı/ (for something) to bring (someone) (a specified amount of profit), leave (someone) with (a specified amount of profit). 15. /ı/ to give up (a habit): Sigarayı bıraktı. He´s given up smoking. 16. /ı/ to leave, cease to give one´s attention to (a matter); to forget about, disregard, write off (someone or something regarded as worthless): Bunu şimdilik bırakalım. Let´s leave this for the time being. Onu bırak! Forget about him! 17. /ı/ to set (a captive person or animal) free. 18. /ı/ to let, allow (someone) (to do something) (often used in the imperative): Bırak, onlara yardım edeyim! Let me help them! Öğretmen onu öbür çocuklarla oynamaya bırakmadı. The teacher didn´t let him play with the other children. 19. /ı, a/ to let (someone, an animal) go to or into (a place): O gün beni okula bırakmadılar. That day they didn´t let me go to school. Beni içeriye bırakmadı. He didn´t let me go in. 20. /ı/ to leave (a spouse). 21. /ı/ to leave (a stain, a mark). 22. /ı/ to leave (someone, something) (in an undesirable state): Köpeği bütün gün aç bıraktılar. They let the dog go hungry all day. Çocuğu öksüz bıraktılar. They left the child an orphan. Evi darmadağınık bıraktı. He left the house in a real mess. 23. /ı/ (for a teacher) to make (a student) repeat a grade, fail, flunk (a student). 24. /ı, a, dan/ to sell (something) to (someone) for (a specified price), let (someone) have (something) for (a specified price). 25. (for something) to come unglued. Bıraktığım çayırda/yerde otluyorsun. colloq. You´re still doing what you´ve always done. Bırak ki .... and even if I did ...: O işi yapmak istemiyorum, bırak ki vaktim de yok. I don´t want to do that job; and even if I did, I don´t have the time.