1. glass. 2. glass, made of glass. 3. pane of glass; windowpane. 4. window. --ı çerçeveyi indirmek to go berserk. -- elyaf fiberglass. -- evi/yuvası rabbet, rebate, groove for a pane of glass. -- fabrikası glassworks. -- geçirmek /a/ to glaze, glass (a window). -- gibi 1. glasslike, glassy, vitreous. 2. lackluster, dull (eye); glazed, vacant (look). -- macunu putty, glazier´s putty, glazing compound. -- mozaik mosaic made of glass. -- resim composition made of stained glass. -- sileceği auto. windshield wiper. -- takmak /a/ 1. to install a pane of glass in. 2. to put a lens in (a frame of a pair of eyeglasses).