1. drum. 2. slang behind, rump. -- çalmak 1. to beat a drum. 2. colloq. to tell everybody, tell the world. --u biz çaldık, parsayı başkası topladı. colloq. We did the job and took all the trouble; others benefited from it. -- çalsan işitmez. colloq. 1. He is stone deaf. 2. He sleeps like a log. 3. He is too engrossed in his work to hear you. --a dönmek to swell up. -- dövmek to beat a drum. -- gibi tightly swollen. -- onun boynunda, tokmak başkasının elinde. colloq. He is only a puppet; someone else pulls the strings. --un sesi uzaktan hoş gelir. proverb Distance lends enchantment to things. -- tozu, minare gölgesi colloq. imaginings, impossible things. -- zurna ile (celebrating an occasion) with a lot of hoopla.