,-ti 1. state. 2. government. 3. prosperity, good luck. --le! Good luck to you! (said to the departing guest). -- adamı statesman. -- baba colloq. the government, the state. D-- Bakanı minister without portfolio. D-- Bakanlığı the office and functions of a minister without portfolio. -- bankası national bank. -- başkanı head of state, president. -- borçları public debt, national debt. D-- Deniz Yolları the Turkish State Maritime Lines. -- düşkünü (one) who has seen better days. -- erkânı ministers and high officials. -- hazinesi national treasury. -- hizmeti government service, civil service. --ler hukuku international law, the law of nations. -- kapısı government service; government office. -- kuşu good fortune, good luck. D-- Malzeme Ofisi the State Procurement and Supply Office. -- memuru government official. D-- Planlama Teşkilatı the State Planning Organization. D-- Su İşleri the State Water Supply Administration. -- şûrası council of state. -- tahvili government bond.