1. tooth. 2. tusk. 3. tooth (of a saw, comb). 4. cog (of a wheel). 5. ward (of a key). 6. thread (of a screw). 7. clove (of a garlic). 8. head (of cloves). 9. slang dope, hashish. -- açmak /a/ to thread, cut threads (in/on). -- ağrısı toothache. --ten artırmak to economize on food. -- bakımı dental care. -- bilemek /a/ to watch for a chance to take revenge (on). -- çekmek to extract a tooth. -- çıkarmak to cut a tooth. -- çukuru socket of a tooth. -- çürüğü dent. cavity. --ine değmemek (for food) to be very little. -- diş having many teeth or cogs; serrated. --e dokunur worthwhile. --leri dökülmek to lose one´s teeth through age. -- düzeltimi orthodontics. -- fırçası toothbrush. -- geçirememek /a/ to be unable to order (someone) around. -- geçirmek /a/ to be able to influence (a powerful person). --i gıcırdamak to have a strong desire for something. -- gıcırdatmak to gnash one´s teeth, show one´s anger. --ine göre within one´s power, within the range of what one can handle. -- göstermek /a/ to threaten. -- hekimi dentist. -- hekimliği dentistry. -- kamaştırmak to set one´s teeth on edge. -- kapanımı dental occlusion. -- kemiği anat. dentine. -- kırmak slang to doctor a cigarette. -- kirası 1. hist. presents or money given to guests after a meal in Ramazan. 2. a side benefit (in addition to one´s wages). --inin kovuğuna bile gitmemek/dişinin kovuğunu doldurmamak (for food) not to be enough to satisfy one. -- kökü root of a tooth. -- macunu toothpaste. -- oluşumu odontogeny. --ini sıkmak to grit one´s teeth and bear it. -- siniri dental nerve. --ini sökmek /ın/ to render (a person) harmless. -- tabibi dentist. -- taktırmak to be fitted out with false teeth. --inden tırnağından artırmak to scrimp and save. --ini tırnağına takmak 1. to try everything, try every means, try every way. 2. to work in spite of great difficulties. -- tozu tooth powder. -- yuvası tooth socket, alveolus.