1. outside, exterior. 2. outer appearance; outer covering. 3. external, outer. 4. foreign. 5. geom. circumscribed. --ında /ın/ outside (of). -- açı geom. exterior angle. -- borç foreign loans. -- çevre psych. external environment. -- dünya/âlem external world. --ı eli yakar, içi beni (yakar).colloq. 1. Others think him charming; I know him to be unpleasant. 2. It looks good on the surface, but inside it is terrible.--ı hayhaylı, içi vayvaylı.colloq. 1. Others think him charming; I know him to be unpleasant. 2. It looks good on the surface, but inside it is terrible. --ı kalaylı, içi alaylı. colloq. 1. Others think him charming; I know him to be unpleasant. 2. It looks good on the surface, but inside it is terrible. -- gebelik ectopic pregnancy. -- gezegen superior planet. -- haberler foreign news. -- hat 1. telecommunications external line. 2. telecommunications, transportation international line. --ında kalmak /ın/ to stay out of. -- kapak (outer) cover (of a book). -- kapının dış mandalı a very distant relative. -- lastik auto. tire, casing. -- pazar foreign market. -- ticaret foreign trade. --a vurmak /ı/ to show, manifest.