,-ti 1. safety, security. 2. confidence, belief. 3. the police, the law. 4. safety, safety catch. 5. police headquarters. -- altına almak /ı/ to protect, secure. -- amiri chief of police (in a small district). -- bölgesi/sahası mil. safety zone. -- etmek 1. /a/ to trust in. 2. /ı, a/ to entrust (something) to (someone´s) care. -- kemeri safety belt. -- müdürlüğü police headquarters (in a province). -- müdürü chief of police (in a province). -- payı margin of safety. E-- Sandığı name of a credit institution which makes loans on the security of real estate or valuables. -- somunu locknut. --i suiistimal embezzlement; breach of confidence. -- supabı safety valve. -- tedbiri security measure, safety precaution. -- tertibatı safety gear. -- vermek /a/ to give (someone) the impression of being trustworthy.