,-ddi 1. limit, point, degree. 2. math., log. term. --ini aşmak to go too far, overstep the limit/mark. --ini bildirmek /a/ to put (someone) in his place, tell (someone) where to get off. --ini bilmek to know how far one can go; to know the limits of one´s capabilities. --ini bilmemek to go too far; to be in over one´s head; to exceed one´s authority. --ini bilmez presumptuous, uppity. --inden fazla excessive. --i hesabı olmamak to be boundless, be innumerable, be innumerous. --i mi?/--ine mi düşmüş? colloq. Just who does he think he is? --i olmamak (for something) not to be up to (someone); (for someone) not to have the right to do something. --i varsa if he dares. --i zatında actually, essentially; originally.