hayat Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • hayat
    ,-tı life. --ım my dear, my love, my darling. -- adamı man of the world. -- arkadaşı spouse. --a atılmak to begin to make a living, begin to earn money. --ın baharı the prime of life. -- bilgisi a primary-school course in natural science and social studies. --ını borçlu olmak /a/ to owe one´s life to. --ına doymamak not to taste life to the full, not to experience all that life has to offer. -- geçirmek to spend one´s life. --ına girmek /ın/ to come into (one´s) life, become a part of (one´s) life. --a gözlerini yummak/kapamak to die. -- kadını prostitute, whore. --ı kaymak slang to be ruined, lose everything. --ını kazanmak to earn one´s living. --a küsmek to be weary of life, be fed up with it all. -- memat meselesi life-or-death matter, vitally important matter. -- mücadelesi/kavgası the struggle to earn a living. --ta olmak to be alive, be living. -- pahalılığı high cost of living. -- sigortası life insurance. -- vermek /a/ 1. to enliven, liven up. 2. to give life to (something), bring (something) to life. --ını yaşamak 1. to live as one´s heart desires. 2. to live the life of Riley.
  • hayat
    ,-tı 1. porch. 2. courtyard (of a house). 3. prov. balcony.