hem Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

İngilizce - Türkçe

  • hem
    i. elbise kenarı, baskı. f. (--med, --ming) kıvırıp kenarını bastırmak.
  • hem in/about
    kuşatmak, içine almak, çevirmek.

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • hem
    1. repeated Both ... and ...: Hem Sabahat, hem Nebahat geldiler. Both Sabahat and Nebahat came. Hem televizyon seyrediyor, hem de mektup yazıyor. He´s watching television and writing a letter at the same time. 2. And furthermore ..., Moreover ..., Indeed ..., Besides ..., ... to boot, And what´s more, ...: Odadan çıktı, hem gülümseyerek çıktı. She went out of the room, and with a smile on her face to boot. Hem seninle ilgisi yok. And what´s more, it has nothing to do with you. Bu hamam sıcak, hem ne sıcak! This bath is hot, and I do mean hot! -- ağlarım, hem giderim. She is both happy and sad (said of a girl on her wedding day). -- de nasıl! 1. Very!/Extremely!/And how! (said in reply to a question): “Behiye güzel mi?” “Hem de nasıl!” “Is Behiye beautiful?” “Very!” 2. You said it!/You can say that again!: “Bu bayağı zor bir iş!” “Hem de nasıl!” “This is a pretty hard job!” “You said it!” -- İsa´yı hem de Musa´yı memnun etmek colloq. to try to meet conflicting demands at the same time. -- kaçar, hem davul çalar. colloq. He seems to shrink from doing it, yet in the end he does it all the same. -- kel, hem fodul. colloq. Although he makes great claims for himself, he is incompetent. -- nalına, hem mıhına vurmak to speak in favor of both sides of a matter. -- suçlu, hem güçlü. colloq. He´s guilty himself, yet he acts innocent and doesn´t hesitate to impugn others. -- şamdan paklandı, hem pilav yağlandı. colloq. We´ve killed two birds with one stone. -- ziyaret, hem ticaret. colloq. It´s a combination of business and pleasure.