hesap Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • hesap
    1. arithmetic. 2. calculation, computation. 3. account, financial record. 4. account, money owed or on deposit. 5. bill, check, tab (in a restaurant, bar, etc.). 6. estimate. 7. plan, expectation. --ı as one would say, as in the case of (referring to a saying or to a known story): körlerle fil hesabı as in the story of the blind men and the elephant. --ına 1. in the name of. 2. for, from the point of view of. 3. to the account of, to. -- açmak /da/ to establish a (deposit, checking, charge, etc.) account at/with (a firm): Burç´a bankada hesap açtılar. They opened an account for Burç at the bank. -- açtırmak /da/ to open a (deposit, checking, charge, etc.) account at/with (a firm); /a/ to open a charge account with (someone): Hadi, bakkala hesap açtırdı. Hadi opened a charge account with the grocer. --a almak /ı/ to take (something) into account. --ını almak to receive what is owed to one. --a almamak/katmamak /ı/ not to take (something) into consideration, to ignore (a possibility). -- bakiyesi balance (of an account); arrears. --ını bilmek to be economical, be careful with money. -- cetveli slide rule. -- cüzdanı bankbook, passbook. --a çekmek /ı/ to call (someone) to account. -- çıkarmak to make out the accounts. --a dökmek /ı/ to figure out the financial aspects of (something) on paper. -- dökümü list of expenditures or payments due. --tan düşmek /ı/ 1. to deduct. 2. to write off (a loss, a person). -- etmek /ı/ 1. to count, enumerate. 2. to calculate, figure, compute. 3. to estimate, reckon. 4. to suppose, think. -- etmek, kitap etmek to think it/something over carefully. --a geçirmek /ı/ to enter (an item) in an account. --ına geçirmek /ı, ın/ to charge (something) to (someone´s, a firm´s) account. --ına gelmek /ın/ to fit (one´s) views or interest, suit. --a gelmez 1. countless. 2. unexpected. -- görmek 1. to pay the bill. 2. to settle accounts. --ını görmek /ın/ 1. to settle (someone´s) account. 2. to punish, take care of, fix (someone´s) clock/wagon. 3. to murder, eliminate, take care of. -- günü doomsday. -- hulasası fin. statement, summary of an account. -- hulasası çıkarmak fin. to make out a statement. -- işi embroidery made by counting the threads. --ı kapamak 1. to pay a debt in full. 2. to drop a subject, close a discussion. --ı kapatmak to close an account. --a katmak /ı/ to take (something) into account. --ı kesmek /la/ 1. to stop doing business with. 2. to cut all relations with (someone). -- kitap 1. after careful calculation. 2. after full consideration. --a kitaba sığmaz 1. incalculable. 2. imponderable. 3. inconsistent. --ı kitabı yok. It has no limits./It is totally unsupervised. -- makinesi calculating machine, calculator. -- meydanda. It´s obvious. --ta olmamak not to plan on, not to figure on (something); not to be part of the plan: Süreyya hesapta yoktu. Süreyya wasn´t part of the plan. -- özeti fin. statement, summary of an account. -- özeti çıkarmak fin. to make out a statement. -- sormak /dan/ to call (someone) to account. --ı temizlemek to pay one´s account. -- tutmak 1. to keep the books, do the bookkeeping. 2. to keep a record. -- uzmanı accountant. -- vermek 1. to account for money received. 2. to give an explanation. --ını vermek /ın/ 1. to account for (money received). 2. to give an explanation for, account for. --ına yazmak /ı, ın/ to charge (something) to (someone´s, a firm´s) account. (...) --ı yok. /ın/ There´s no telling ...: İçtiğimiz kahvenin hesabı yok. There´s no telling how much coffee we drink.