hiç Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • hiç
    ,-çi 1. never, not at all. 2. (in questions and negative sentences) ever; at all. 3. nothing, nothing at all. 4. zero. -- bir see hiçbir. -- biri see hiçbiri. -- de not at all. -- de öyle değil. It´s not like that at all. -- değil no, not at all, not so. -- değilse at least. -- kimse (used with a negative verb) no one, nobody; anyone, anybody. -- kuşku yok beyond a doubt, undoubtedly. -- mi hiç never once: Ankara´ya hiç mi hiç gitmedin? Have you never once been to Ankara? -- olmak 1. to lose one´s importance. 2. to perish, vanish. -- olmazsa at least. -- olur mu? Is it possible?/It won´t do. --e saymak/indirgemek /ı/ to disregard (someone, something) completely, take no notice whatsoever of, ignore (someone, something) completely, regard (someone, something) as completely unimportant. -- yoktan for no reason at all. -- yoktan iyi. He´s/She´s/It´s better than no one/nothing at all.