hız Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • hız
    1. speed, rapidity, velocity. 2. momentum, impetus. 3. force, strength, power, violence: Rüzgârın hızı kesildi. The wind´s died down. 4. loudness. 5. enthusiasm, spiritedness, spirit, vigor, vitality, zest. --ını alamamak 1. (for a vehicle) to be unable to get up to speed, not to go as fast as it should. 2. to be unable to slow down. 3. not to slack off: Kış hızını alamadı. Old man winter is still going strong. 4. still to be in a bad temper, still to be furious: Patron hızını alamadı, bir tekme daha attı. The boss´s fury was not yet spent, so he gave me yet another kick. -- almak to take a running start. --ını almak 1. to subside, lose force. 2. to slow down; to lose momentum. -- göstergesi/saati speedometer. --ını kaybetmek/yitirmek (for something) to weaken, lose its force. --ını kesmek to slow down. -- kutusu gearbox. -- vermek /a/ 1. to speed (something) up. 2. to enliven. -- yolu superhighway.