,-ki 1. first (in a series or in time): ilk işi his first task. ilk defa the first time. 2. first, for the first time: Onu ilk gördüğünde altmış yaşındaydı. When she first saw him he was sixty years old. 3. the first (in a series or in time): romanlarından ilki the first of his novels. -- adım 1. first step. 2. beginning, start, first step. -- adımda first; in the beginning, at the outset; to begin with, first off. -- ağızda first; in the beginning, at the outset; to begin with. -- elden 1. (buying something) direct (without using a middleman). 2. (learning something) firsthand. 3. first, at the outset. -- evvel first of all, first; to begin with; at first, initially, in the beginning, at the outset.. -- fırsatta at the first opportunity. -- görüşte at first sight. -- göz ağrısı 1. first love, first person or thing with whom or with which one falls in love. 2. firstborn, firstborn child. -- hız mil. muzzle velocity, initial velocity. -- insan anthropology primitive man. -- kalemde first; first off, to begin with; in the beginning, at the outset. -- mektep elementary school, primary school. -- önce first of all, first; to begin with; at first, initially, in the beginning, at the outset. -- partide colloq. first; in the beginning, at the outset; to begin with, first off.