1. /ı, a/ to tie (one thing) loosely to (another). 2. /ı, a/ to baste (one piece of cloth) to (another), sew (one piece of cloth) loosely to (another). 3. /ı/ to knot (strands of wool), tie (strands of wool) into a knot (while weaving a rug). 4. /a/ prov. to touch; to hit; to land on: Kafasına ilen taş yumurta büyüklüğündeydi. The stone which hit his head was the size of an egg. iler tutar yeri/tarafı olmamak/kalmamak /ın/ 1. (for something) to be completely beyond repair, be shot: Bu gömleğin iler tutar yeri yok. This shirt´s completely beyond repair. 2. (for an action, an idea, a statement) to be completely indefensible; (for a statement) not to be true, not to hold water. 3. (for someone) not to be fit for anything, be completely incompetent, be hopeless. 4. (for someone) to be incorrigible, be past helping, be a hopeless case. 5. (for someone) to be incurably ill, be a hopeless case.