1. goose. 2. stupid; dumbbell. 3. slang boisterous person, rowdy. 4. slang pimp, procurer. Agop´un --ı gibi bakmak to gaze stupidly. Agop´un --ı gibi yutmak to be taken in easily, be tricked easily. -- adımı goose step. --ın ayağı öyle değil. colloq. It´s not like that at all./The truth of the matter is a different thing indeed. -- ciğeri ezmesi pâté de foie gras. -- gelen yerden tavuk esirgenmez. proverb You don´t hesitate to cater to the small demands of someone who can be very useful to you. -- gibi 1. stupid. 2. stupidly. -- kafalı colloq. dumb, stupid; gullible. --ı koz anlamak to misunderstand completely. -- palazı gosling, young goose.