kendi Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • kendi
    1. self, oneself. 2. own. 3. he; she. 4. in person. --leri 1. themselves. 2. he; she. --m myself. --minki mine. --miz ourselves. --si 1. herself; himself. 2. he; she. --ni ağır satmak to agree to something only after repeated requests. -- ağzıyla tutulmak to be proved a liar by one´s own words. --ni alamamak /dan/ not to be able to refrain from, be unable to stop oneself from. -- âleminde olmak to keep to oneself; to live in a world of one´s own. --ni alıştırmak /a/ to make oneself get used to. --ni ateşe atmak to court trouble. --ni atmak /a/ to go immediately to, rush to (a place). --ne bağlamak /ı/ to captivate. -- başına 1. of one´s own accord. 2. without anyone´s help, single-handedly. --ni beğenmek to be conceited. --ni beğenmiş conceited, arrogant. --ni bırakmak to neglect oneself, let oneself go. --ni bilen/bilir upright and honorable (person). --ni bilmek 1. to be in one´s right mind. 2. to comport oneself properly. 3. (for a person) to have grown up, have reached maturity. --ni bir şey sanmak to give oneself airs, think one is something. --ni (bir yerde) bulmak to find that one has arrived at (a place). --ni bulmak to develop a personality of one´s own. -- çalıp kendi oynuyor. colloq. He makes a big fuss about something, but when people want to help him he spurns their aid. -- çapında according to his own standards, according to his own way of thinking. --ne çeki düzen vermek 1. to tidy oneself up. 2. to put one´s life and affairs in order. -- çıkarı için for his own benefit. --ni dar atmak /a/ to manage to reach (a place) in the nick of time. -- derdine düşmek to be completely taken up with one´s own troubles. --ni dev aynasında görmek to overrate oneself vastly. --ni dinlemek to be a hypochondriac. --ni dirhem dirhem satmak to make a great show of reluctance. -- düşen ağlamaz. proverb If you get yourself into trouble then you´ve no right to complain. -- eliyle himself, with his own hand. --ne etmek to harm oneself. --ni fasulye gibi nimetten saymak to overrate oneself vastly. --nden geçme psych. trance. --nden geçmek 1. to be transported by joy, be ecstatic. 2. to faint. --ne gel. colloq. 1. Come to your senses! 2. Pull yourself together! -- gelen that comes one´s way by chance. --ne gelmek 1. to regain consciousness, come to. 2. to pull oneself together, regain one´s self-control. -- göbeğini kendi kesmek colloq. to do it all on one´s own, do it without getting help from anybody. --ni göstermek to prove one´s worth. -- gözündeki merteği görmez, elin gözündeki çöpü görür. colloq. He doesn´t see the beam in his own eye, but he sees the mote in the eye of another person. --ne güvenme self-confidence, self-reliance. -- halinde 1. quiet and innoffensive, innocuous (person). 2. simple-minded. -- haline bırakmak /ı/ to leave (someone) to his own devices; to let (a thing) take care of itself. -- havasına gitmek/-- havasında olmak to do what strikes one´s fancy. --ni hissettirmek to make one´s/its presence felt. --ni iyice vermek /a/ to concentrate (on). --ni kapıp koyuvermek 1. to cease to take an interest in oneself, let oneself go. 2. /a/ to lose oneself in (a project). --ni kaptırmak /a/ 1. to let oneself get carried away (by). 2. to become wholly absorbed in. --ni kaybetmek 1. to lose consciousness. 2. to go into a towering rage. -- kendine 1. on one´s own responsibility; of one´s own accord. 2. alone, by oneself, without help. 3. to oneself. 4. theat. as an aside. -- kendine gelin güvey olmak to count one´s chickens before they´re hatched, build castles in Spain. -- kendini yemek to eat one´s heart out, worry oneself to death. -- kendine yeterli self-reliant and self-sufficient. --ne kıymak to commit suicide. -- kuyusunu kendi kazmak to dig one´s own grave, be the cause of one´s own downfall. --si muhtac-ı himmet bir dede. (Nerde kaldı geriye himmet ede.) colloq. You can´t expect any help from him since he´s in need of help himself. --ni naza çekmek to make a great show of reluctance. --nde olmamak not to know what one´s doing, be (temporarily) out of one´s senses. --nden pay/paha biçmek to make an estimate based on one´s own experience; to think about (a problem) as if it were one´s own. -- payıma for my part, as for me. --ne sahip olmamak to be unable to control oneself. -- söyler kendi dinler. colloq. He mumbles incoherently to himself. --ne ... süsü vermek to pretend to be, act like. --ni tartmak to weigh oneself up, look at oneself critically. --ni toparlamak/toplamak to put one´s life and affairs in order again. --ni tutmak to maintain one´s self-control. --ni vermek /a/ to devote oneself wholeheartedly to. -- yağıyla kavrulmak to get by on one´s own means, manage without any help from others. --ne yedirememek /ı/ 1. to be unable to stomach, be unable to let (an insult) go unrequited. 2. to be unable to let oneself stoop to doing (a base action). --ni yemek to eat one´s heart out, worry oneself to death. --ne yontmak/--nden yana yontmak /ı/ to work (something) to one´s own advantage without considering others.