kız Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • kız
    1. girl. 2. daughter. 3. virgin, maiden. 4. playing cards queen. --lar ağası chief black eunuch (in the sultan´s harem). -- alıp vermek (for two families) to intermarry. -- almak /dan/ to acquire a daughter-in-law (from) (a certain family). -- çıkmak to turn out to be a virgin. --ını/evladını dövmeyen dizini döver. proverb Spare the rod and spoil the child. -- evlat daughter. -- gibi colloq. 1. girlish. 2. brand-new (thing). 3. shy (man). --ı gönlüne bırakırsan ya davulcuya varır/kaçar, ya zurnacıya. proverb If you let a young girl decide for herself whom she´ll marry, she´ll pick someone unsuitable. -- istemek to ask a family to give (someone) their daughter as a bride. -- kaçırmak 1. to kidnap a girl. 2. to elope with a girl. -- kardeş sister. --ı kısrağı /ın/ (someone´s) wife, daughter, and all his female relations. -- kilimi kilim woven by a nomad girl for her dowry. -- kurusu vulg. old maid, spinster. -- lisesi girls´ high school. -- oğlan/-- oğlan kız virgin, maiden. --ım sana söylüyorum, gelinim sen anla/dinle/işit. colloq. Since he couldn´t say this directly to her, he said it to someone else in the hope that she would listen in and get the message. -- tarafı the bride´s family. -- vermek /a/ to give a girl in marriage (to).