1. money. 2. (a) para (one fortieth of a kuruş). -- alımı fin. collection of money, collecting money. -- aslanın ağzında. proverb If you want money, you´ve got to struggle to get it. -- babası moneybags. -- basımevi mint (where money is coined or printed). -- basmak 1. to print or mint money. 2. to lay down a stake (in gambling). --yı bayılmak colloq. to pay out money, shell out money, fork out money. -- bozmak to make change, break a coin or note into smaller denominations. -- canlısı/gözlü someone who´s excessively fond of money. -- cezası law fine. -- cüzdanı billfold, wallet. -- çantası purse. -- çekmek /dan/ 1. to draw money (from a bank). 2. to squeeze some money out of (someone), get (someone) to fork over some money. --ya çevirmek /ı/ to realize (an asset); to sell (something) (for money). -- çıkarmak 1. to issue money. 2. colloq. to send a money order. --sını çıkarmak to get back the amount one invested (in the form of profits). --dan çıkmak to have to spend money; to have unexpected expenses. -- darlığı econ. deflation. --yla değil very cheap, dirt cheap. --yla değil sırayla. colloq. Money can´t always get you what you want./Your money won´t do you any good here. --yı denize atmak to squander money, throw money down the drain. -- dökmek /a/ to spend a lot of money (on); to pour money into. -- dönmek for bribes to be given. -- etmek to be worth something, be valuable; to be something which will sell. -- etmemek 1. to be worth nothing; to be something which won´t sell. 2. to have no effect, be in vain. --nın gümüş olduğunu anlamak to realize that money is not to be thrown around, learn to appreciate the value of money. -- ile imanın kimde olduğu bilinmez. proverb You can´t know for sure how much money another person has, just as you can´t know whether or not he is a sincere believer in God. -- isteme benden, buz gibi soğurum senden. proverb You don´t like to have much to do with people who are always asking you for money. -- kazanmak to earn money. -- kesmek 1. to coin money. 2. to make a lot of money. -- kırmak to make a lot of money. --ya kıymak to spend money, shell out money, fork out money. -- parayı çeker. proverb Money breeds money. --ya para dememek 1. to make a lot of money. 2. to spend money lavishly. 3. to regard an amount of money as ridiculously small. -- pul money and assets. --sıyla rezil olmak to pay out money for something that turns out to be completely unsatisfactory, throw money down the drain. -- sızdırmak/koparmak /dan/ to squeeze some money out of (someone), get (someone) to fork out some money. --sını sokağa atmak to throw money down the drain. --yı sökülmek slang to have to fork out some money. -- şişkinliği econ. inflation. --yı tedavülden kaldırma demonetization, taking money out of circulation. -- tutmak 1. to save money; to be thrifty. 2. to cost. --nın üstü change (given when one has paid more than the stated amount). --yı veren düdüğü çalar. proverb The one who pays the piper calls the tune. -- vurmak 1. to make money by illegal means. 2. to luck into a lot of money. -- yapmak to earn money and save it. -- yardımı monetary aid. -- yatıran depositor. -- yatırmak /a/ 1. to invest (in). 2. to deposit money (in). -- yedirmek /a/ to bribe. -- yeme accepting bribes. -- yemek 1. to spend money freely. 2. to accept a bribe. --nın yüzü sıcaktır. proverb There is something about money that´s very alluring.