peş Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • peş
    space behind, the back, the rear. --inde /ın/ following, pursuing (someone, something). --ini bırakmamak /ın/ 1. not to leave (someone) alone; to bother (someone) continually. 2. to follow (someone) around continually. 3. to persist in doing (something), not to give (something) up. --inde dolaşmak/gezmek /ın/ to follow (someone) around (in the hope of obtaining something from him). --ine düşmek /ın/ 1. to follow (someone) around. 2. to follow (someone) around (in the hope of obtaining something from him). 3. to try to obtain (something); to try to get (something) done. --inde gitmek /ın/ to follow (someone). --inden gitmek /ın/ 1. to follow (someone). 2. to follow in (someone´s) footsteps, follow the example set by (someone). --inden koşmak /ın/ 1. to follow (someone) around (in the hope of obtaining something from him). 2. to try to obtain (something); to try to get (something) done. -- peşe one right after the other, one after another; one beside the other. --i sıra right behind (someone). --ine takılmak /ın/ to follow along after (someone), follow (someone) around. --ine takmak /ı/ to bring (someone) along with one; to cause (someone) to follow one.
  • peş
    piece of material sewn on to a woman´s garment to make it larger.