1. /ı/ to ask (something); /ı, a/ to ask (someone) (something): Bu soruyu öğretmene soracağım. I´ll ask the teacher this question. 2. /ı/ to ask about, inquire about (someone, something); to ask after (someone), ask how (someone) is. 3. /ı/ to look for, want to see (someone). 4. /ı, dan/ to ask (someone) to account for: Bunu benden sorarlar. They´ll ask me to account for this. Sormak ayıp olmasın .... Excuse me for asking, but ...? Sorma!/Sormayın!/Sorma gitsin! colloq. 1. Words fail me!/It´s too much for words!/It´s beyond description! 2. Don´t get me started!/Don´t set me off!/Don´t start me talking about it! Sora sora Bağdat/Kâbe bulunur. proverb You can find any place you want to go to, no matter how remote it may be, simply by asking for directions.