tatlı Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • tatlı
    1. sweet (in taste). 2. pleasant, agreeable, nice, sweet; amiable, genial; delicious; dulcet, melodious. 3. pleasantly, agreeably, nicely; genially. 4. sweet dessert, Brit. sweet (especially a pastry soaked in syrup). --ya bağlamak /ı/ 1. to settle (a matter) amicably. 2. to end (a talk) on a pleasant or jolly note. -- bela a trying but nonetheless lovable person; scamp, impish but endearing child. -- dil soft words, kind and conciliatory words. -- dil, güler yüz kind words and a smiling face. -- dil yılanı deliğinden çıkarır. proverb A soft answer turns away wrath. -- dilli (person) whose talk is delightful, who has a delightful way of expressing himself. -- sert 1. tartish, agreeably tart (in taste). 2. kind but firm (words, manner). 3. kindly but firmly. -- söz soft words, kind and conciliatory words. -- su 1. water which tastes good. 2. fresh water (as opposed to salt water). 3. (someone) who´s trying to act like ..., would-be: tatlı su sosyalisti would-be socialist. -- su Frengi local Christian who apes European ways. -- su kaptanı inexperienced sailor. -- tatlı pleasantly; with pleasure, pleasurably. -- ye, tatlı söyle. proverb Let´s try to live together peaceably./Live and let live. -- yerinde bırakmak/kesmek /ı/ 1. to stop doing (something) before (the doing of) it becomes boring. 2. to break off (a story) at an exciting point.