tav Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • tav
    1. annealing, anneal (of steel or glass). 2. the exact degree of heat or dampness (required for the manipulation of a material). 3. the degree of dampness and heat in the soil necessary for healthy plant growth. 4. opportune time; favorable state or condition. 5. good finish, proper degree of fatness (of an animal). 6. slang trick, deception. --ını bulmak /ın/ to find the right time or the right conditions for doing (something). --a getirmek /ı/, --ını vermek /ın/ to bring (something) to the proper degree of heat. --ına getirmek /ı/ to find just the right time for doing (something). -- olmak /a/ slang to fall for (someone´s) trick, be duped by (someone´s) trick: O bize tav oldu. He fell for our trick. --ında tutmak /ı/ to keep (something) in a sound or stable condition, keep (something) on an even keel. -- vermek /a/ 1. to dampen (clothes, paper, tobacco) (before ironing, etc.): Ütülenecek çamaşıra tav verdi. She dampened the clothes which were to be ironed. 2. to anneal (steel, glass).