tek Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • tek
    ,-ki 1. single, sole, one, only, solitary. 2. unique; unrivaled; inimitable: Vallahi sen teksin kardeşim! Man, you are one of a kind! Bu konuda teksiniz. In this subject you are an unrivaled expert. 3. one: tek satırlık bir mektup a one-line letter. 4. math. odd (number). 5. solely, only. 6. one (of a pair of several). 7. a real ..., a thoroughgoing ...: O, itin tekidir. He´s a real son of a bitch. O, salağın tekidir. She´s about as dim as they come. (bir) -- atmak colloq. to knock back a drink (of liquor): İki tek attı. He knocked back a couple of rakis (whiskeys, gins, etc.). -- başına on one´s/its own, alone; apart, at a remove from other people or things. -- başına kalmak to be left alone. -- bir 1. (with an affirmative predicate) only one: Mehmet´in tek bir/bir tek oğlu var. Mehmet has only one son. 2. (with a negative predicate) a single: Rengin tek bir/bir tek kelime söylemedi. Rengin didn´t say a single word. -- elden under the control or management of one person or one group. -- kürekle mehtaba çıkmak 1. to embark on something without having made the necessary preparations. 2. to try unsuccessfully to poke fun at someone. -- meclisli hükümet sistemi unicameral system of government. -- tek 1. one by one. 2. apart, at a distance from each other. --e tek dövüşmek (for two people) to fight each other man to man or one to one. -- tük only a few (persons, things) each standing at a distance from the other, only a few (persons, things) scattered here and there. -- yönlü one-way (street).
  • tek
    used in: adımını/ayağını -- almak to behave with caution, be circumspect. -- durmak to keep still; to sit or stand without moving or making a sound.
  • tek
    All I ask is ...; ... as long as ...: Tek yapsın da, nasıl yaparsa yapsın! I don´t care how he does it; all I want is for him to get the thing done! Her şeye razıyım, tek ondan kurtulayım! I´m agreeable to anything as long as I can get shut of him!