tel Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

İngilizce - Türkçe

  • tel
    kıs. telegram, telegraph, telephone.

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • tel
    1. strand; thread; fiber. 2. (a) wire. 3. string (of a musical instrument). 4. screening, screen cloth, mesh used for window and door screens; window screen; door screen. 5. (a) thin silver or gold-colored wire (used as an ornament by a bride). 6. wire, made of wire. -- çekmek 1. /a/ to enclose (a place) with a wire fence, string up a wire fence around (a place). 2. to draw metal into wire. --ine dokunmak /ın/ to make (someone´s) blood boil, enrage. -- halat wire rope, cable. -- kadayıf 1. a sweet pastry with a texture similar to that of shredded wheat. 2. dough with which the aforementioned pastry is made. -- kırmak 1. to blunder, make a misstep. 2. slang to offend someone, tread on someone´s toes. --i kırmak 1. to quit one´s job. 2. to sever relations with someone. -- örgü 1. woven wire; fencing made of woven wire; chain link fencing. 2. fence made of woven wire; chain link fence. -- şehriye vermicelli. --ler takmak/takınmak to rejoice at another´s misfortune.
  • tel
    colloq. wire, telegram; cablegram, cable. -- çekmek /a/ to wire, telegraph, telegram; to cable.