tepe Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • tepe
    1. hill. 2. top, top part: ağacın tepesinde at/in the top of the tree/on top of the tree. 3. crown, topmost part (of one´s head). 4. crest, crown (of a bird). 5. math. vertex. 6. colloq. the space right beside one: Tepemde dikilme öyle! Don´t stand here breathing down my neck! -- altını the gold coins ornamenting a woman´s headdress. -- aşağı 1. upside down. 2. headlong, headfirst. --si aşağı gitmek to experience hard times, go downhill, hit the skids; to fail miserably, fall flat on one´s face. --si atmak to lose one´s temper, blow one´s stack. --den bakmak /a/ to view with scorn or disdain, look down on, look down one´s nose at. --sine binmek/çıkmak /ın/ to bedevil (someone) a lot, badger or bug (someone) to death. --sinde bitmek /ın/ 1. to bedevil (someone) a lot, harass, badger, or bug (someone) to death. 2. to appear suddenly before (someone) or at (someone´s) side. --sinde boza pişirmek /ın/ to make (someone) very uncomfortable; to crack the whip over (someone´s) head; to make it rough for (someone). -- deliği/mazgalı machicolation. --sine dikilmek /ın/ (suddenly to go up to someone and) to plant oneself right beside or squarely before (him/her). --sinde havan dövmek /ın/ 1. (for people upstairs) to disturb (people downstairs) by making noise, try to bring the ceiling down on (those living downstairs). 2. stubbornly to refuse to let (someone) forget something, continually to remind (someone) of something. 3. constantly to pester (someone) about something. --den inme 1. (an order) which comes from a high official, which comes from one of the big guns. 2. very sudden and unexpected. --sinden (aşağı) kaynar su/sular dökülmek to be left aghast, be stunned, be knocked or thrown for a loop (by an unpleasant event). -- saçı scalp lock. --den tırnağa (kadar) from head to toe, from head to foot. --si üstü 1. upside down. 2. headlong, headfirst.