toz Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • toz
    1. dust. 2. powder. 3. slang heroin, skag, junk. 4. powdered, (something) which is in powdered form: toz altın gold dust. toz boya powder paint. toz biber ground pepper. -- almak to dust, clean the dust off something. --unu almak /ın/ to dust, clean the dust off (something). -- bezi dustcloth, dustrag. -- duman içinde kalmak to be covered by a thick cloud of dust. --dan dumandan ferman okunmamak for things to be in a state of utter chaos, for chaos to reign. --u dumana/toprağa katmak/karıştırmak 1. to run, raising a cloud of dust. 2. to kick up a dust, cause a commotion, make an uproar, raise a ruckus. -- etmek 1. /ı/ to crush, annihilate, pulverize, make mincemeat out of (someone). 2. to raise dust. -- kondurmamak /a/ not to allow anything to be said against, not to have anything said against (someone, something). -- koparmak to raise dust. -- olmak slang to hurry away, beat it, get lost. --unu silkmek /ın/ to rough (someone) up, dust (someone´s) jacket. -- toprak içinde kalmak to be covered with dust or grime. -- varak gold leaf.