1. long; lengthy. 2. tall. 3. for a long time, a long time; at length. -- atlama broad jump, long jump. -- boylu 1. tall (person). 2. at length; in detail. -- etmek 1. to hold forth at great length. 2. to drag out a conversation needlessly. 3. to beat around the bush. 4. to act unwilling. -- hava Turkish folk mus. a long piece of music which lacks a set rhythmic pattern. -- hayvan colloq. snake. -- hece gram. long syllable. -- hikâye matter which requires a long explanation, involved affair. -- kulaklı colloq. donkey, ass. -- lafın kısası the long and short of it, in short. -- oturmak colloq. to sprawl, sit with one´s legs outstretched. -- uzadıya/uzun at great length, in great detail. -- ünlü phonetics long vowel.