1. oily, oleaginous; fatty; greasy; tallowy; suety; lardy; buttery. 2. made with oil, fat, grease, tallow, suet, shortening, lard, butter, or margarine. 3. fat; plump; obese. 4. colloq. rich, in the money, well-off, well-fixed. 5. colloq. easy and very profitable. -- ballı olmak /la/ to be very friendly with each other, be very pally with each other. -- güreş greased wrestling (a form of wrestling popular in Turkey). -- kâğıt a wrapping paper resistant to oil or grease. -- kapı colloq. rich employer. -- kömür bituminous coal, fat coal. -- kuyruk colloq. job from which or person off whom a lot of money can be easily made.