1. high; lofty. 2. lofty, noble. 3. high; great; intense; big: yüksek basınç high pressure. yüksek frekans high frequency. yüksek bir fiyat a high price. yüksek bir meblağ a big sum. 4. high, superior in status: yüksek okul institution of higher education. 5. loud or raised (voice). 6. (sea) marked by high waves, high. 7. high, superior (quality). 8. high place; height. 9. (playing a game) for high stakes. -- atlama sports high jumping. --ten atmak to talk big, claim to be able to do that which one can´t. --ten bakmak /a/ to look down one´s nose at, regard (someone) as inferior to oneself. Y-- Denizcilik Okulu Merchant Marine Academy. --lerde dolaşmak to pursue the impossible, chase rainbows. -- fırın blast furnace. Y-- İslam Enstitüsü Higher Institute for Islamic Studies. -- kabartma sculpture high relief (as opposed to bas-relief). -- kan basıncı high blood pressure, hypertension. -- mimar architect whose professional training has included the completion of a five-year university course. -- mühendis engineer whose professional training has included the completion of a five-year university course. -- perdeden konuşmak 1. to talk in a peremptory manner; to talk challengingly. 2. to talk in a loud voice. Y-- Seçim Kurulu the Election Commission (a group of officials charged with supervising a national election). -- sesle (reading, speaking) aloud. -- tansiyon high blood pressure, hypertension. --ten uçmak to pursue the impossible, chase rainbows. -- ustura slang whopping big lie, whopper. -- yoğunluk comp. high density. -- yoğunluklu comp. high-density.