1. damage, injury, detriment, harm. 2. com. loss. --ı dokunmak /a/ to harm, be harmful to, have a harmful effect on. -- etmek 1. to lose money. 2. to make a wrong move, do something to one´s detriment. 3. /a/ to damage, injure, harm. -- gelmek /dan/ (for someone) to suffer at the hands of; to be wronged by; to be treated unjustly by: Tuba´dan zarar gelmez. No harm´ll come your way from Tuba. -- görmek 1. /dan/ to be damaged, injured, or harmed by. 2. to suffer loss. --ın neresinden dönülse kârdır. proverb If you find yourself in a situation where you can´t seem to get ahead no matter what you do, the only profitable step you can take is to extricate yourself from the whole thing as soon as possible. --ına satmak /ı/ to sell (something) at a loss. --a sokmak /ı/ to cause (someone, a place of business) to suffer loss or damage. -- vermek /a/ to damage, injure, harm. --ı yok. colloq. It doesn´t matter./Never mind./That´s okay./Forget it.