1. trouble, difficulty, worry, problem: Hiçbir zoru yok. He´s got nothing troubling him. 2. bodily ailment or disorder: Zekâvet´in aklından zoru var galiba. It looks like Zekâvet´s touched in the head. Hilmi´nin midesinden zoru var. Hilmi´s got a stomach complaint. 3. compulsion, constraint, obligation, necessity: Bunu yapmak zorunda değilim. I´m not obliged to do this. Ne zorun vardı bunu yapmaya? What made you feel obliged to do this? 4. physical violence or the threat of physical violence, force: Zoru görünce direnmekten vazgeçti. When threatened with force he stopped holding out. Beni zor kullanmaya mecbur etme! Don´t make me use force! 5. pressure, coercion (exerted upon a person´s mind): Onları ancak zor kullanarak hizaya getirebilirsin. The only way you can get them to fall into line is to pressure them. 6. difficult, hard. 7. with difficulty. 8. barely, just. Z--! You´re going to have some trouble doing that! (often said tauntingly). --la 1. by force, by main force. 2. by exerting pressure. -- bela 1. with great difficulty, with the greatest of difficulty. 2. just barely. --unda bırakmak /ı/ to leave (someone) no choice but (to do something). --a dağlar dayanmaz. proverb Even the mighty yield when threatened with violence. --a düşmek to get in a difficult position, get in a tight spot, get in a bind. --a gelememek to be unable to stand stress, be unable to endure pressure. -- gelmek /a/ (for something) to be difficult for (someone). --la güzellik olmaz. proverb If you try to bring something about by force, the results will be unsatisfactory. --unda kalmak to be left no choice but (to do something). --a koşmak /ı/ to make things difficult for (someone), make difficulties for (someone). -- kullanmak to use force. --un ne? What´s making you (do something)?: Zorun ne ki beni öyle sorguya çekiyorsun? What´s making you give me the third degree like this? --unda olmak to have to, be obliged to (do something). -- yaparsın! You´re going to have some trouble doing that (often said tauntingly). -- zar see zar zor. --/--u zoruna 1. with very great difficulty, with the greatest of difficulty. 2. just barely.