1. on the point of, just about to: Âdem gitmek üzereyken when Âdem was just about to go. 2. to, for the purpose of: Antalya´ya gitmek üzere yola çıktı. He set out for Antalya. İstanbul´a inmek üzere vapura bindi. She boarded the steamer to go down to Istanbul. 3. on condition that, on the understanding that: Pazartesiye kadar geri vermek üzere sana yirmi bin lira veririm. I´ll loan you twenty thousand liras on condition that you pay it back by Monday. 4. being: Bu bahçede çoğu portakal olmak üzere elli ağacım var. I have fifty trees in this grove, most of them oranges. 5. as, just as: Meltem´in dediği üzere Tunç geç kaldı. Tunç was late, as Meltem had said he would be. 6. in accordance with: âdeti üzere in accordance with his custom.