S ile Başlayan Bilişim Terimleri
- spool printing
- spooler
- spooling
- spot
- spray
- spreadsheet
- sprite graphics
- stability
- stack
- stacker
- stand-alone
- stand-alone modem
- standard
- standby
- star network
- star/ring network
- start
- Startup disk
- startup screen
- state
- state of the art technology
- statement
- static
- Stationary pad
- Statistics
- status
- Status bar
- step
- Step by step
- Sticky keys
- stop
- storage
- storage device
- storage pool
- store
- stream
- streaming
- streaming mode
- streaming tape drive
- strikeout
- strikeover
- Strikethrough/ Strikethru
- string
- stripe
- stroke
- structure
- structured
- structured analysis
- structured design