T ile Başlayan Teknik Terimler
- time quantum
- time saving
- time sharing
- time slice
- time slicing
- time stamp
- time to go
- time waveform
- time zone
- timeout
- timer
- timing
- tin
- tip
- title
- title bar
- title page
- tof
- toggle button
- toggle key
- token
- token file
- token ring network
- tokenization
- tolerance
- tone
- tone dialing
- toner
- tool
- tool box
- tool palette
- toolbar
- toolbox
- toolkit
- top
- top down design
- top margin
- top of file
- top of form
- top of page
- topdown programming
- topic
- topographic survey
- topography
- topology
- torque
- torsion
- total
- touch
- touch screen