A ile Başlayan Elektronik Terimleri
- atomic nucleus
- atomic number
- attach, to
- attachment
- attended operation
- attenuation
- attenuation coefficient
- attenuation compensation
- attenuator
- audibility
- audible
- audible ringing signal
- audio
- audio frequency
- audio level meter
- audio monitoring
- audio range
- audio spectrum
- audio tape
- audiographic
- audiovisual
- audit software
- audit trail
- audit, to
- audit, to
- augend
- augmented matrix
- authenticate, to
- authentication
- authentication code
- authentication information
- authentication signal
- authenticator
- authenticity
- authoring language
- authoring tools
- authorized frequency
- auto
- auto adjust
- auto adjust
- auto dim
- auto logon
- auto update
- auto-answer modem
- auto-dial modem
- auto-feed
- auto-transductor
- autocorrelation function
- automate, to
- automated machine