O ile Başlayan Elektronik Terimleri
- object
- object code
- object language
- object module
- object oriented
- object oriented analysis
- object oriented design
- object oriented programming
- object program
- objective
- objective criterion
- objective function
- objective performance
- objective probability
- objectivity
- oblique
- observability
- observable variable
- observation noise
- observe, to
- obtuse angle
- occlusion
- occupancy
- octal numbering system
- octave
- octet sequence integrity
- octet, byte
- odd function
- odd harmonic
- odd parity check
- off
- off-hook (telefon)
- off-line
- off-line encipherment
- off-line encrypting
- off-line operation
- off-line printer
- off-line testing
- off-position
- off-premise line
- off-site processing
- off-site storage location
- off-system unit of measurement
- off-the-shelf
- off-the-shelf software; shelfware
- office automation
- office call
- office computer
- offset