O ile Başlayan Elektronik Terimleri
- offset carrier
- offset stacking
- ohmic contact
- ohmmeter, resistance meter
- oil circuit breaker
- oil filled cable
- oligarchic network
- omit, to
- omnidirectional
- omnidirectional antenna
- omnidirectional microphone
- on
- on load
- on load, on load operation
- on site
- on state
- on the fly
- on-board
- on-chip
- on-hook (telefon)
- on-hook signal
- on-line
- on-line data collection
- on-line encrypting
- on-line equipment
- on-line help
- on-line real time
- on-line testing
- on-off action
- on-off keying
- on-off transmission
- on-position
- on-the-air
- one digit adder
- one digit operation
- one pass assembler
- one pass compiler
- one port network
- one to one and onto mapping
- one to one function
- one way
- one way repeater
- one-address instruction
- one-to-one relation
- one's complement
- onto mapping
- opacity
- opaque
- open architecture
- open circuit