L ile Başlayan Elektronik Terimleri
- label
- label identification
- labelled
- labelled set
- labelling
- ladder network
- Lambertian reflection
- laminar flow
- laminated core
- landing beacon
- landscape printing
- lane
- language
- Laplacian
- laptop
- laptop computer
- large scale integration
- laser printer
- laser trimming
- laser videodisc
- lasso
- last in first out queue
- last in first out stack
- latch
- latching circuit
- latching current
- latency
- latent variable
- lateral acceleration
- lateral deviation
- lattice
- lattice filter
- lattice network
- launch
- launcher
- law of conservation of energy
- law of large numbers
- law of small numbers
- layer
- layer of security
- layered architecture
- layout
- leading characters
- leading coefficient
- leading current
- leading edge of a pulse
- leading term
- leading zero
- leakage