N ile Başlayan Elektronik Terimleri
- normalize, to
- normalized representation
- NOT operation
- notation
- notch
- notch filter
- notebook computer
- notepad computer
- notice
- notify, to
- NRZ code
- nuclear forces
- nuclear fusion
- nuclear reaction
- nuclear spin
- null
- null balance
- null balance bridge
- null character
- null indicator
- null measurement
- null method of measurement
- null modem
- null point
- null set
- null string
- number crunching
- number representation, numeration
- number system
- number theoretic transform
- numbering plan (telephone)
- numbering scheme
- numeral
- numerator
- numeric character
- numeric character set
- numeric data
- numeric field
- numeric keypad
- numeric representation
- numerical analysis
- numerical control
- numerical differentiation
- numerical integration
- numerical quadrature
- numerical value of a quantity
- numerical word
- Nyquist diagram
- Nyquist interval
- Nyquist sampling rate