P ile Başlayan Elektronik Terimleri
- pseudo random sequence
- pseudocolouring
- public
- public data network
- public domain software; freeware
- public key
- Public Key Data Encryption System
- public land mobile network
- public switched network
- publication
- publisher
- pull down menu
- pulsatility
- pulsating
- pulsating flow
- pulsating voltage
- pulse
- pulse amplifier
- pulse amplitude modulation, PAM
- pulse bandwidth
- pulse carrier
- pulse code modulation, PCM
- pulse decay
- pulse delay
- pulse duration modulation, PDM
- pulse interleaving
- pulse modulation, PM
- pulse position modulation
- pulse regeneration
- pulse repeater
- pulse repetition rate
- pulse reshaping
- pulse rise time
- pulse shaping circuit
- pulse signalling
- pulse spectrum
- pulse transformer
- pulse triggering
- pulse width modulation
- pulsed quantity
- punctuation
- pure strategy
- pure substance
- pure tone
- purge, to
- purify, to
- purity
- push down queue
- pushbutton