S ile Başlayan Elektronik Terimleri
- spherical wave
- spike
- spike
- spillover
- spin
- spin stabilization
- spindle
- spiral
- splice
- split screen
- split-and-merge technique
- spontaneity
- spontaneous
- spoofing
- spool printing
- spooling
- spot
- spot beam
- spot distortion
- spot recorder
- spot size
- spray, to
- spread spectrum
- spreadsheet
- spring opposed bellow
- spurious
- spurious correlation
- spurious signal
- sputterer
- square law
- square law detection
- square matrix
- square summable
- square wave
- square wave generator
- squelch
- squelching circuit
- squirrel cage
- stability
- stability of a linear system
- stabilization time
- stabilizer
- stable linear system
- stable state
- stable system
- stack
- stack machine
- stack memory
- stack pointer
- stacker